
Region 22 Probate District


In response to the ongoing public health emergency related to COVID-19, the Region 22 Probate District notifies the public of the following updates to Court operations:


1. The Court is open during normal business hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm; Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Court is closed during all legal holidays observed by the Town of Southbury.

2. As of Monday, August 17, 2020, the building is open to the public with limited access via the first floor between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and 10:00 am through 12 noon on Fridays.

3. No one will be permitted to enter the Court unless they are wearing a face covering at all times as set forth in the Governor’s Executive Order 7BB and the Lieutenant Governor’s order 7NNN. 

4. Parties may participate in hearings and status conferences via telephone only.  In-person attendance is not permitted, even for protected persons. Call the Court’s phone number at the time of the scheduled hearing or status conference for instructions. THE COURT WILL NOT CALL PARTIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF HEARING PARTICIPATION.

5. There will be no hearings outside of the Court, such as in nursing homes and private residences.

6. These operations items are specific for this Court only.

7. This situation is subject to change at any time.  Please check this website regularly for updates.           


The mission of Region 22 Probate District is to be responsive to the needs of those who utilize court services and to serve all with respect and compassion.