GIVE LOCAL - Senior Center
When:Dear Friends and Acquaintances,
Fourteen years ago the “Friends” of Woodbury Senior Community Center, Inc. was formed. Our mission then and now is to provide items for the Woodbury Senior Community Center that fall beyond the Center’s budget.
Since 2007 we have provided many items, such as furniture and equipment to outfit the Center when it was new, a SUV van to supplement the Center’s transportation, 10 years of free community concerts and much more.
Join us in the April 26-27 CT Community Foundation online giving program. This year’s project is to raise funds for an accordion style room divider for the Center’s Small Activities room. The room divider will allow the Center to have flexibility in adding more programs and services.
Not comfortable with online giving? You can participate by making a tax-deductible gift made payable to: “FWSCCI.” In the memo line write “Give Local” and mail to “Friends,” P.O. Box 493, Woodbury, CT 06798. OR…make your gift online to the “Friends,” by clicking on the following link:
For more information: Contact Sharon Sherman at or (203) 266-9051.
Warm thanks,
Friends of Woodbury Senior Community Center, Inc.