Municipal Election
When:The Municipal election will be held Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
All Polling Places will be open the standard hours of 6AM to 8PM. You may vote in person or by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots can ONLY be obtained from the Town Clerk.
The Registrars of Voters will hold a lottery on September 13 at 9 am in the Shove Conference Room to determine the order of names on the ballot for multiple-opening offices for the November 7, 2023 Municipal Election.
***Please see below for important voter registration deadlines***
Important Voter Registration Deadlines for Voting on Nov 7, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31– mail-in and in person
Deadline 8pm: Applicants must appear in person by 8 pm. The Registrars of Voters office will have extended hours this day.
All mail-in voter registration applications must be received or postmarked by this date in order to be accepted for the November 7, 2023 election. Note: 11:59 P.M. on this date is also the deadline to register to vote using the On-line Voter Registration System.
EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS Tuesday Oct 31, 2023 This is the last regular session for admission of electors for those who become 18 years of age, U.S. citizens, or residents of the municipality on or before Oct 31, 2023. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS Monday Nov 6, 2023 - LIMITED REGISTRATION SESSION THE LAST WEEKDAY BEFORE ELECTION. Session of Registrars of Voters of ALL towns to admit those seeking to vote in election whose qualification as to age, citizenship or residence was attained since Oct 31, 2023. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Election Day Registration
The pre-election voter registration cutoff deadline is seven (7) days before Election Day. Connecticut also has Election Day Registration on Election Day itself for voters who need it.
Election Day Registration permits anyone to register and vote in person on Election Day who meets the eligibility requirements for voting in this state and is not already registered, OR is registered in one town but has moved to another town. By law, a person is eligible to register and vote if he or she is (1) a US citizen, (2) age 18 or older, (3) a bona fide resident of the town in which he or she applies for admission, and (4) has completed confinement if previously convicted of a disfranchising felony.
Election Day Registration is not available at the polling place but is available at the Shove Building in the 1st floor conference room beginning at 6 am and ending at 8 pm. You can register and vote at this EDR location. Please plan to arrive early in the day as there may be long lines. If you are in line at the Election Day Registration site at 8 pm, you can remain in line to complete your registration and vote. You will need to provide proof of identity and residency.