Karen Reddington-Hughes (R) Email: KRHughes
Karen Reddington-Hughes has lived and worked in Woodbury,Ct since 1990. She is married to John Hughes -a graduate of the US Naval Academy and former US Naval Officer. She and John have a son John who is a graduate of Nonnewaug High School.
Karen is the Western Ct Convention and Visitors Bureau representative for Woodbury Ct., previously served on the Library Board of Trustees, member of the Flanders Nature Center Art Committee,a founding member and on the Board of Directors for the Ct Summer Opera Foundation, Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition, President of the Woodbury Antiques Dealers Association, President of the Woodbury Ct Chamber of Commerce, member of the Woodbury Jr. Women’s Club,and Chairman of the former Woodbury Ct Business and Economic Development Committee. This past year Karen received the Rosenberg Award for community service.
As President of the Woodbury Antiques Dealers Association and the former Business and Economic Development Committee, she was part of a group that created the State of Ct Antiques Trail. Many visits to Hartford to see Senator Rob Kane and 2 senate bills later- the trail was established, and signage granted.
Karen received the State of Ct Governors Award for Tourism Partner of the Year in 2018 for the excellent marketing efforts of both the Ct Antiques Trail and the Town of Woodbury. She has participated in tourism focus groups on a state level and Economic Development summits throughout the region.
Celebrating her 15th year as a business owner of Abrash Galleries on Main Street in Woodbury, the town is very important to her. Woodbury’s unique character is what brought her here and highlighting Woodbury’s strengths, embracing its beauty and showcasing its history have always been her focus.
In her spare time Karen enjoys reading, photography and travel.