Knox Box




  • Enable first responder access
  • Eliminate barriers to entry
  • Gain rapid access entry


  • Avoid unsafe forced entry
  • Reduce workforce injuries
  • Minimize property damage


  • Manage key access
  • Audit trail activity report
  • KnoxBoxes are 1037 UL listed


A knox box is a secure, fire resistant box that is commonplace on commercial buildings and but can be used residentially also. The box contains the key to your place of business or home. It is a "mini" safe that only a registered key can open.

In the event of an emergency situation, medical problem or automatic alarm, the fire department can use their knox box key to open your knox box, allowing them to retrieve your key and access the property.

This prevents damage to doors, windows, etc. by avoiding the use of forcible entry.

Woodbury's fire departments are volunteer, this also allows for more efficient emergency operations and for volunteers to return home in a timely manner without waiting hours for keyholders to arrive. 

Information on knox boxes can also be obtained by calling or emailing the fire marshal office at (203) 263-3120 or