King Solomon's Lodge No.7
King Solomon's Lodge No.7, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was chartered in 1765.
In the U.S., Masons support crippled children's hospitals and much more. Locally, the Lodge monitors the Woodbury Food Bank. Members collect donations of food and supplies in front of the supermarket in town.
As Connecticut Freemasons they embrace the tenets of Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love. They do this by using the teachings of Freemasonry to better ourselves, our community and each other.
The Masonic Fraternity does not invite anyone to become a member, instead they wait patiently for the special man to knock on their door and seek admittance. Perhaps your visit here is that "knock" on their outer door.
Feel free to visit their website for more information: King Solomon's Lodge
Connecticut Freemasons: making a difference, here and around the world.