RFQ - Hollow Park Field #3 Refurbishment





The Town of Woodbury,AA/EOE/Title VI, is seeking proposals for a refurbishment of Baseball Field #3 at Hollow Park,including laser grading for drainage, new sod installment, and new clay/conditioner.


Questions may be directed to Mike Lodice, Superintendent of Parks,at(203) 695-4329. Arrangements to view the field prior to bidding can also be made through Mike.


The Town may accept the bid,which in its sole discretion,it determines to be in its own best interest,or it may reject any or all bids.  These bidding documents in no way establish the right of the bidder to the award of the contract.


The Town of Woodbury is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employee.


Bids must be received in the Selectman’s Office,281MainStreetSouth,Woodbury,CT06798, by10:30AM,Monday,October1,2024.  Please address envelope to:Town of Woodbury, Selectman’s Office, 281Main Street South, CT 06798.  Please mark the envelope,“Hollow Park Field #3.”

Click HERE for full specifications