Waste Advisory Ad Hoc Committee - Mark II

The Ad-hoc Waste Advisory Committee shall:

  • From February to July 2024, and beyond, inform Woodbury residents of the provisions of the new trash reduction and food-scraps diversion program at the Transfer Station / Recycling Center and explain its benefits. This will include outreach to various clubs and organizations within the town, e.g., Library,Earth Day, coordinating with stakeholders e.g., the Woodbury Conservation Commission, and design of flyers and signage.
  • The Committee will develop ways to monitor the acceptance of the program, physically at the Woodbury Transfer Station / Recycling Center throughout the February-July information and education phase, as well as informal monitoring of social media, and responses from outreach events.
  • Monitor compliance of Woodbury Transfer Station/Recycling Center users with the trash reduction and food-scrap diversion program after July, including utilizing the state-funded monitor and recommend additional remedies as necessary to improve compliance.
  • Monitor the performance of the trash reduction system: year-over-year changes in volumes and cost of trash, and increases in recycling and food-scrap diversion.
  • Work with the Director of Social Services to decide criteria for free bags and inform those who qualify.
  • Report regularly on the above to the Board of Selectman, particularly the First Selectman.

In addition, the Ad-hoc Waste Advisory Committee will:

  • Explore ways of encouraging food-scrap diversion and recycling in other entities within the town, e.g., Condos, Senior Center, and Region-14.
  • Monitor the current pathways for recycling and food-scrap diversion to ensure they remain the optimum solution and recommend alternative as appropriate.