Building Official
The general responsibilities of the Building Official are to insure compliance with the 2018 Ct State Building Code and Chapter 4 of the Town Ordinances for all new structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical constructions. This includes the issuance of all necessary building permits, collection of fees and all necessary inspections of work for permits issued.
Prior to the issuing of a Building Permit, approvals must be obtained first from Zoning, Historic, Sanitation, and Public Works. Commercial properties or Residential of two or more families must also have approval of the Fire Marshal.
Town Ordinance requires that Town Taxes be paid before a Building Permit can be approved and issued for the construction or alteration on any building on any lot or parcel of land within the Town of Woodbury where past taxes are owed.
All Connecticut Building Codes and regulations are per 2018 CT State Building Codes.