Animal Control Department

In Connecticut, depending on the facts and circumstances of the case, a person leaving an animal confined in a parked vehicle in adverse weather (e.g., extreme heat or cold), may be charged with animal cruelty.

 Under Connecticut law, a person commits animal cruelty if he or she, among other things, tortures, cruelly beats or kills, deprives of necessary sustenance, or unjustifiably injures an animal. A person is also guilty of this crime if (1) when confining an animal, they fail to provide the animal proper care or to supply it with wholesome air, food, and water or (2) when having custody of an animal, they inflict cruelty upon it or fail to provide it proper food, drink, or protection from the weather. Animal cruelty is punishable by up to one year in prison, a fine of up to $1,000, or both for a first offense and is a class D felony for a subsequent offense. Intentional and malicious animal cruelty is a class D felony (CGS § 53-247)
Animal Control is responsible for enforcing state laws and town ordinances pertaining to animals. We handle roaming, barking, animal bites, animal cruelty issues and wildlife complaints.  We also monitor for compliance with dog licensing and rabies vaccination laws.  

All dogs must be confined to the owner’s property. If a dog is missing, the owner should report it immediately to the Animal Control Officer. All dogs 6 months of age and older are required by state law to be licensed each year in the month of June. If you obtain a new dog after June, you must get a license for the animal at that time (no penalty will be assessed).  A license is the quickest way for a dog to be identified and returned to its owner.

The pound is located behind the town office complex on Main St South.  You can drive by the pound day or night to view missing dogs as there are outdoor, as well as indoor facilities.  

Dogs that are picked up are advertised in the Republican American Newspaper and held for seven days after the ad appears. After the 7 days, the dog will be put up for adoption. 

To contact the animal control department, you may call (203) 910-3228, or email Animal Control