Tribury Rotary
TRIBURY ROTARY - (Woodbury, Southbury, Middlebury)
Rotary is a global non-profit organization founded by Paul Harris in Chicago in 1905. Today, Rotary is represented in 200 countries, 30,000 clubs and 1.2 million Rotarians. Rotarians are diverse group of business professionals having a common desire to provide service to others.
We are People of Action - Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.
Rotary unites more than a million people - Through over 35,000 Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world.
We take action locally and globally - Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions. We contribute over 16 Million volunteer hours each year.
No challenge is too big for us - For more than 110 years, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and sanitation, and fight disease. We have helped to immunize 2.5 Billion children against polio.
Our causes include
· Promoting Peace - Rotary fosters understanding across cultures. We train adults and young leaders to prevent and mediate conflict and help refugees who have fled dangerous areas.
· Fighting Disease - We are resolved to rid the world of polio forever. We also educate and equip communities to stop other diseases and expand access to health care.
· Growing Local Economies - We carry out service projects that enhance economic and community development and create opportunities for decent and productive work for young and old.
· Supporting Education - Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy.
· Saving Mothers & Children - We expand access to quality medical care, sanitation, education and economic opportunities so mothers and their children can live and grow stronger.
· Providing Clean Water - We help bring sustainable clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to more people every day. We don’t just build wells and walk away.
Through fund-raising and service programs, the Tribury Rotary aims to help people locally, nationally, and globally to make a difference in the lives of all those in need. Tribury Rotarians enjoy meeting weekly to work on projects brought forth by members. Tribury Rotary welcomes those interested to check out the website at, and Facebook page, Tribury Rotary Club and/or contact the current President, Ron Webb at 203-808-2266.
Tribury Rotary Club Accomplishments include:
- Scholarships to high school students in Woodbury, Southbury and Middlebury.
- Promoting literacy by donating dictionaries to Third Grade Students in our Tribury Area
- Providing ‘Beds for Vets’ to help local Veterans obtain new beds (a District Grant)
- Monthly ‘Acts of Kindness’ Program to help local Charities and Nonprofit Organizations
- Donations of needed books to Woodbury, Southbury and Middlebury Libraries
- Donation of LED Lights for Seniors
- Donations of needed items to Safe Haven
- Donations of needed items to the Homeless Shelters
- Donations to local Food and Fuel Banks
- Donations of needed items to Big Brothers, Big Sisters
- Sponsor Global Scholars
- Sponsor the Interact Club of Region 15 (Pomperaug High School)
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Program
- Annual Art Show
Tribury Rotarians meet weekly on Thursdays at The Wyndham Hotel located at 1284 Strongtown Rd, Southbury, CT 06488 for a luncheon meeting from 12:15 p.m – 1:30 p.m. We invite local business and nonprofit professionals in our community to speak and offer insight from their organization’s mission and experiences. Please visit the Tribury Rotary’s Website at for current information.